Beautyshoot with Celia and the makeup artist was Jacky MUA


All pictures can be found at
Beautyshoot with Celia and the makeup artist was Jacky MUA
All pictures can be found at
Een shoot met model Joëlla en visagiste Richelle van der Berg. Het thema was naturel met pasteltinten als accent. Een geslaagde shoot waarvan hieronder twee resultaten.
Number 1
Number 2
In september 2014 was het weer tijd voor onze derde Time for Pizza sessie samen met de fotografen, Xander, Ruud en Hans. Dit keer was de locatie de studio van Hans, waar wij afgesproken hadden met model Kristel en Rosa. Visagiste van die avond was Christine.
Al met al een creatief avondje. Op naar de volgende!
Hieronder de foto’s van de portfolio-shoot die ik van model Mandy heb geschoten. Voor haar aanmelding bij het modelbureau waren nieuwe foto’s nodig, waarvoor een deel commercieel georiënteerd. Als team hebben zijn wij eerst in de studio een serie geschoten, waarna wij snel het mooie weer zijn gaan opzoeken op het strand van Kijkduin. Hier nog een serie geschoten rond een strandtent. Een geslaagde dag.
Op 14 april kwam Romee van het modelbureau IMA in de studio langs voor een freestyle-shoot. Wij hadden elkaar eerder op een evenement in Amsterdam ontmoet waarbij ik onder de indruk was van haar (roodharige) looks. Uiteraard heb ik hierna gevraagd voor een shoot waar zij bevestigend op antwoorden.
In de studio hebben wij die avond een viertal outfits / settings gefotografeerd waarvan ik de resultaten van een drietal hieronder heb geplaatst. Het was een gezellige en productieve avond, en dus zeker voor herhaling vatbaar.
Thousands of redheads from many countries come together in Breda for the Roodharigedag 2014. Every year I try too attend to visit this nice event with it’s pleasend atmosphere. This year I received an photographer badge to capture the preparations backstage and the catwalk show at the Kastelenplein. Early in the moring and joined the makeup and hair styliste team to make the make backstage pictures from the work in progress. After that the team headed toward the plein too get dressed. Around 13u30 it was showtime for show 1 and followed after a break by show 2 at 16u30.
Click the following links to view all the pictures at the Flickr page – BACKSTAGE and CATWALK
Roodharigedag Breda 2014 – Stage
Roodharigedag Breda 2014
Roodharigedag Breda 2014
Roodharigedag Breda 2014
The shoot that was originally planned for this Saturday was cancelled, but luckily Xenia was willing to help me out. We decided to meet at her house and went straight outside to use the surrounding area to shoot some fashion/editorial pictures. For myself as photographer it was an good challenge too work faster and without any props.
So what do you think?
Xenia – Street
Xenia – Street
Xenia – Street
Selena from Revealyourbeauty arranged the model Jade for an beautyshoot in the studio. In total we did three different makeup and hair styles, and combined with a couple of outfits. The results can be seen below.
Marije needed some pictures her new blog, and asked me to help her out. She wanted to have a homy atmosphere with her working behind her laptop. So we decided shoot the pictures at her apartment. For me it was a bit challenging because of low light and limited space. At the end i used a combination of natural light and flashlight too fill in. The results can be viewed below.
After almost one year without any urbex trips I decided to plan one with two friends from the east.This ttime uut target was to visit an big cooling tower in Belgium. At arrival we parked our car and entered the tower via the door. We were impressed by the amazing view, which combined with the rain, delivered very nice pictures.
In the picture below you can see internal of the cooling-tower where in the middle water is pumped up, and distributed over the small canals. Via small wholes in the canals the water is falling down and will at the same time warm up the upraising air with results in cooler water. This water is pumped in the canal.
Powerplant XXX
After the cooling tower we walked toward the power-plant, and were able to enter it via the entrance which was open. It was clearly visible that the plant was being decommissioned, and removed. We walked around for many hours at ground level till the top floor which presented us a nice view of the surrounding area. During our visit we also saw other people that claimed that they were workers, which fpr me sounded a bit strange because of a camera-bag at his bag. Anyway, we had no further issues, and return to our car where we finished lunch before heading home.
Powerplant XXX
It was very successful trip, and for all the pictures you can check out the following LINK
The next model drove from Germany to me for an urbanshoot in my area. Selena from RevealYourBeauty was responsible for hair and makeup. Compliments for the team!
I drove up to Arnhem to frame the preparation of the Wit Weekend Catwalk. Kristine Mkrtchian was one of organizers and my contact for that day. That afternoon I have shot the three shows that were held on the mobile catwalk. You can view the backstage pictures at by click here, and view the show in the street by click here
One of my favorite local events is the KABK Graduated show in the town-hall of The Hague. This year I was asked to shoot backstage and the catwalk. Below you will see some of the collection pictures, and if you want to see all the picture just click here to visit To view the backstage picture you can click here.
The weekend of 14/15 Juni I drove up towards Maastricht to watch and capture Fashionclash 2014. I first stopped at Gulpen to have some lunch with vlaai and enjoy the view of sweaty bikers. Next stop was at the hotel were I stored the suitcase and received the key of the room. After that I went straight to Fashionclash location to receive my press-badge and install myself at the front of the catwalk with the other well-known photographers. During the two days we saw great performances of many designers and models. The atmosphere and the organization was fantastic! Till next year!
On 16 May 2014 model Irene responded to a last minute call for a freestyle shoot in the studio. This is something that is always highly appreciated!
In the evening with did several settings with various clothing sets in the studio. The results were very good as you can see in the selection below. For highly quality you can jump towards my Flickr page
Set 1
Set 2
On Saturday 24 May 2014 I drove to the location Venlo to witness the third edition of the fashion show from Monique Desar. The 2014 edition named White Dreams was held in the theater ‘t Raodhoes which is an bigger location then last year to have more people watch the show. The catwalk was raised towards, en surrounded by dinner tables for the VIP guests.
In the afternoon I made the backstage pictures from the show preparations and gave some instructions during the catwalk practices runs. Around 20u00 the show started with an dancing act, followed by an magnificent black dress worn by Janice. Monique Desar removed the dress with an scissor which revealed the white dress under it. After that the Ready to Wear Collection was shown by the models, following the collection from ByField, and the second collection Feelings from Monique Desar and ended with the collection Naturel Woods. After an small drink I had to drive home to be in bed on time, to have private plans next morning.
For me the show was an great succes, hope to be there in 2015!
Collection Ready to Wear
Collection : Feelings
Collection : Natural Woods
Stefanie – Hotel
Stefanie – Hotel
At 16 March 2013 I drove up to Belgium for a shoot with Stefanie L in a beautifull location.
The location was an hotel in the forest region, where were able to use a uite for the complete day.
We made pictures around the bed, the badroom and in frond of a nice cabinet. The resultst were perfect.
Judy – Tears
Sunday 6 may 2013 i drove up too the region Hilversum for a shoot with Judy M and make-up artist Petra H.
The weather was very bad in the morning, but in the afternoon it improved and it stayed dry.
We were able too shoot at three different locations and were able too create nice results.
This week I will implement a new website using WordPress. Keep following the progress!